Now before I start, I wanna make it clear that this is a preview not a review. I was only able to play a small portion of this game and I must say that what I saw was promising.
It takes place in the year 2027, located in a futuristic Detroit. If you don't this game is the third of the series, it doesn't seem to hurt you. In the time I played, my lack of knowledge about the series didn't seem to hurt my experience.
In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, you play as Adam Jensen. Who at the start is the lead security officer for a company researching human tissue augmentation named Sarif Industries. You later realize that Adam is involved with one of the lead researchers on Sarif Industries biggest project, Megan.
The game starts with an on-rails camera moving cut-scene. It will bore you, but it sets up what's to come. Megan is taking you to their lab to show some of the progress they've been making when oh no you guessed it. Everything goes to shit. Specially trained Operatives burst in and start killing everyone and destroying everything.
Adam jumps into action, finally giving me a glimpse at the game itself. In my preview build, the graphics lack edge or style. It was like shifting contrasts. One minute the lighting looked right, then you would notice what I'll describe as a fog of light. Bear in mind this is a advance build and lacking in overall polish. I was satisfied with the graphics for the time being, one of my only problems is that it seems like the only character that was meant to look cool or unique is yours.
Onto gameplay, in the prologue you don't have any special abilities or augmentations. So it's basically just you and a gun versus people who know what they're doing. The game features a smooth cover system, and the ability to stealth on the fly. The goal being that when the time comes you can choose to handle each situation (besides boss fights) any way you want.
At the end of the Prologue, a large explosion goes off and everyone dies. Yes, that means you to. Adam dies and his body is pretty destroyed. So like many other recent games, you must be built back up and with new super powers!
Well for the player this is sweet, but for Adam it's got to be a bitch. After this is when the game gets really good. You're a fully upgradeable killing machine. Over the course of my playing time I was given access to some of those abilities such as, seeing through walls, advanced hacking tools, cloaking, and advanced speed. From what I saw they were giving you, the player all the tools to play the game how you wanted. Do you want to constantly be in the thick of the action, taking bullets and firing them back? or Are you the kind of player who sneaks around, killing whoever he has to? It's entirely up to you.
The easiest way to make you understand what this game feels like is to compare. I can say that this game will give you some of the best vibes that you've gotten from some of the best games. Mass Effect 2, Half-Life 2, Metal Gear Solid, and Splinter Cell. The game just made me feel cool. I was given an opportunity to choose how I wanted everything to go. Do I boost up my armor and run through the electrical storm or do I search for an alternate route. Like going into the sewers looking for a way around. I had a good time with the limited offering I was presented with. This game comes out August 23rd, 2011. It will be available on all systems. So enjoy.
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