Thursday, May 26, 2011

Switching to PC Gaming

Just look how cool this is, Don't you want one?

After a long career as a console gamer. I have to admit I'm tired....

I'm tired of long droughts without new games worth playing.

I'm tired of the lack of updates and patches to games that DESPERATELY need them.

All you hardcore console gamers out there should take a long look at purchasing the parts or buying it all together for a sweet gaming rig.

PC gaming is the road to awe! (yeah I know, sweet fountain ref. Highfive me later.)

You can replay all the old games you love because they've been updated and added to by thousands and thousands of people. It's a world where every game has a huge community. There's no shortage of love for the things you love.

Now I know there are certain perceived stresses that come along with purchasing a pc.

First, how expensive they are. Let me clarify this by saying if you research and compare prices you could land your dream gaming rig for an unbelievably low price. Instead of buying PC's from places like Dell or HP, just build them on your own!

Secondly, it's a constantly evolving world PC gaming. You have to upgrade your hardware like every three years. Well here's a tip, just shell out the big bucks now and you will have the parts that will last you longer and will be compatible with the future.

So please I urge you readers, join me on the next level.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brink Review (360)

Now before I begin, I think it's important to mention. That I, just like most of you really wanted Brink to be awesome. I thought this game would be the Shadowrun sequel I never got. I wanted so many things for this game, maybe I should have limited my expectations.
Lets see, where to begin? Well it's only fitting I start with what immediately frustrated me. A lack of a party or matchmaking system. Can someone please explain to me why developers still create multi-player without the use of these crucial features? I almost want to blame Microsoft because they don't force it be implemented.
Rolling right along with what caused my second wave of semi-frustration. During the promotion and previews of this game they really drove home their S.M.A.R.T. feature. Which was supposed to take movement in modern video games make them look like we were playing in 2D all along. Well, you won't hear a lot of this from this review but, this feat they actually accomplish. SMART is fun and an awesome way to get around. It even manages to feel comfortable. Yet, there's a catch. None of the maps really allow you to take advantage of the advanced motion capabilities. So great feature? Yes. So this is why I'm semi-frustrated because it actually works but you never get to take advantage of it.
I could go on and on about what plagues Brink but, the quickest route to the core of the problem is, the game doesn't do anything well or unique. For a game boasting it's individuality, it's a pretty underwhelming experience. Being Heavy isn't really effective, You become really slow (which is expected) but your health seems to deplete at the same rate as any other body type. The engineer's turrets can't kill anything until you reach it's highest level. The soldier is probably the most utilized class because every gun has such a shallow clip. So having a trusty soldier supplying ammo is crucial. It's almost as if they didn't want any one thing to be too effective. In this process of scaling it back they completely neuter the overall fun.
I'm not going to sit back and say the same as every other review, that oh this game just isn't for me and it's probably for somebody out there. I'm willing to try and accept just about everything game wise. This game just doesn't cut it. If you feel you MUST try it, please I urge you. Rent it.